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Using the Fluoxetine’s favor.

Depression is a problem than can strike without any prior notice. Depression interferes with daily living leaving some people unable to hold a job, eat, be in a relationship and so much more. Depression affects how you think about yourself, how you act, and how others see you functioning all the time

Fluoxetine is a medication that is used to treat depression of the most problematic types. The most problematic types of depression involve those that involve changes in weight loss or gain, problems with anxiety, and with obsessive-compulsive behaviors. In taking Fluoxetine regularly, this medication can treat those with depression and behavior problems to lead a more healthy and normal life without the anxiety and stress.

Testing has been completed using Fluoxetine and with Placebos.

With a placebo, you are taking a medication that is not real. A placebo is a fake medication. Fluoxetine and placebos tested on similar people with similar types of depression show that those who have depression have great results in the long term with the use of the medication. Those who were using the placebo did not know that they were not getting the medication and their depression and compulsive behavior somewhat subsided but continued in the long term with little differences.

The problem with depression for most victims of this disease is that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance. The chemical imbalance is not something that can be treated without the additional use of medications. Without the use of a medication, such as Fluoxetine, depression will continue and can even worsen.

If you or someone that you know is suffering from depression or from compulsive behavior, taking a placebo is not going to relieve the situation. Only the real medication that will balance the chemicals in the brain is going to provide the long-term desired results. Fluoxetine is a medication that should not be stopped without notice from your physician or psychiatrist.

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Some types of compulsive behavior that this medication does provide the best results for include over eating, bulimia, suicidal people, for those who experience loss of appetite, for those who are unable to sleep and for those who are suffering from the problems associated with compulsive stealing.

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Both men and women can suffer from depression. There are men and women of virtually all age groups that can suffer from depression without realizing it. When depression and compulsive behaviors begin to take over a person’s life, others around will take notice of the changes.