Help to stop smoking

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Constant warnings of doctors about the danger of smoking, promotion of healthy lifestyles, a ban on smoking in public places and an increase in the price of tobacco products – are the major anti-smoking measures, taken by governments of the majority industrially developed countries.

These measures to combat smoking bring some results, but the mass cessation of smoking cannot be still achieved and the number of active smokers is still growing.

Aggressive advertising policy of tobacco products has led to the fact that younger generation has erroneous stereotypes and false conceptions about the true danger of smoking. Cigarette manufacturers create bright, beautiful and dynamic promotional video in which young, successful, purposeful and energetic people with pleasure inhale a cigarette.

The main purpose of such advertising to convince young girls that a cigarette will give an image of grace and elegance and to convince young men that a cigarette in their hands will give them courage and confidence.

Sale of cigarettes is primarily a business, so manufacturers of tobacco products set themselves a unique problem – any way to attract potential buyers’ attention.

Producing “Light Cigarettes” and “Women’s Cigarettes” with low tar and nicotine, manufacturers of tobacco products advertise them as a “safer cigarettes”, but it’s not quite true.

“Light cigarettes” actually contain less of chemical elements and carcinogenic substances, dangerous for the body. But smoking of “light cigarettes” does not get rid of nicotine addiction, that is why people just increase the number of “safe ” cigarettes a day.

Smoking of only one cigarette a day for 1 month, increases the risk for nicotine addiction in the hundreds. But many people do not understand or do not want to understand, believing that they will be able to abandon this harmful habit at any moment.

All the complexity of the struggling against smoking is that nicotine, containing in tobacco smoke causes not only psychological but physiological addiction too.

Despite the fact that nicotine is a poison, it is released by the body in small amounts. In biological oxidation, nicotine is converted to nicotinic acid which is an essential human nutrients (vitamin PP).

Also nicotine has an effect on the person’s brain, stimulating the release of neurotransmitters, norepinephrine and dopamine. Neurotransmitters, norepinephrine and dopamine increase the activity of thought processes and mental energy, relieve tension and anxiety, improve concentration and increase vital tonus. That is why, a man feels a burst of energy and vitality after smoked cigarette.

Tobacco quit

Tobacco smoking leads to the fact that overabundance of nicotine in the body, “runs” a complex physiological system of self-regulation, controlling the concentration of nicotine in the various organs, soft tissues and blood of a man. The function of self-regulation is in that the organism ceases independently to release nicotine, getting it in abundance together with tobacco smoke.

In heavy smokers, the release of nicotine by the body completely stops, so during the first attempt to give up smoking, the body starts to experience the nicotine hunger. As a rule, a severe shortage of nicotine in the body manifests by the state of discomfort and stress, impaired concentration, change in taste sensations and digestive disorders.

Nicotine hunger is a temporary phenomenon, since the body gradually resumes the release of nicotine, but it occurs not earlier than 3-4 weeks after giving up smoking. The first month of smoking cessation becomes the most difficult for a man, suffering from nicotine addiction. If a man during this period can cope with nicotine hunger, it is possible to assert that the man has coped with the nicotine addiction forever.

In 1 month after smoking cessation, the body starts gradually to restore the balance of nicotine in the body, but just after 3 month, the nicotine will completely release in the body.

Thus, smoking cessation is primarily disruption of the physiological and psychological addiction to nicotine. That is why a struggle against smoking for the most people becomes a test of their moral stability and willpower.

Despite the fact that it is possible to get rid of the nicotine addiction just for several months, not every man can show his strength of character and independently to stop smoking. This assertion due to the fact that under the influence of industrial, scientific, technological and information revolution, an absolute majority of urban residents daily are exposed to stresses and negative influence of technogenic environment.

By refusing smoking, a man should be ready to the fact that the first month he will expose his body to additional psychological load and if a state of stress overcomes his willpower, he will not be able to give up smoking.

In the cases when a person attempts to give up smoking, but independently he cannot to achieve the goal, he can use various methods of the struggling against smoking, some of them help quickly and effectively to get rid of the nicotine addiction.

The most popular and publicly available ways to give up smoking are:

  • nicotine replacement therapy
  • psychotherapy of nicotine addiction
  • pharmacological treatment of nicotine addiction

Duration and cost of nicotine addiction treatment depend on what method of treatment a person will choose.

We want you to know about the medication Zyban. The active substance of Zyban is Bupropion. Zyban for smokers is the best solution to quit smoking.

Where can I buy Zyban?

There are several options to buy Zyban, one of the most simple, convenient and affordable is buying Zyban online. Moreover, you have the possibility to buy Zyban without prescription. At our online pharmacy, you will get not only the qualitative, effective and safe medication, but also cheap Zyban online.