CBD oil benefits
Hemp oil contains up to 80% of essential fatty acids, which is the highest indicator among plants.This is
the most valuable oil according to the Omega 6 balance - Omega 3 fatty acids.
Such a balance is found perhaps in fish or fish oil. And this is the main benefit of hemp oil for
residents of Russian latitudes, unbalanced with fresh oily sea fish.
In addition, hemp oil contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, E, minerals: calcium, magnesium,
sulfur, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus. Note, hemp oil - almost the only vegetable product containing
vitamin D, the lack of which causes rickets in children and extremely unpleasant diseases in adults.
- Due to its composition, hemp oil is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes:
- to strengthen the cardiovascular system (omega-acid balance);
- as an anti-inflammatory agent;
- for the treatment of certain skin diseases (in particular, eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis);
- for cosmetic purposes as an anti-aging agent and to improve the quality of the skin-hair-nails
(widely used in natural cosmetics);
- as a general strengthening agent;
- for the treatment of disorders in the sexual sphere;
- natural sunscreen;
- and even in anticancer therapy.
A unique set of nutrients has long contributed to the use of hemp oil in medicine. This is not only a
natural antiseptic, but also a natural antioxidant that fights cancer, swelling, and various
inflammations. Doctors also note that hemp squeeze raises the overall tone of the body, relieves pain
and even works as a diuretic.
- For skin, the product is necessary in the presence of various kinds of damage to the epithelium. Oil
quickly heals wounds, burns, abrasions and bruises. In addition, it is used to relieve swelling,
redness, peeling and allergies in case of eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, ulcers, ulcers and
- The soothing effect of squeezed hemp is used to restore the nervous system. First, the safety of the
oil allows it to be prescribed to children, who often suffer from hyperactivity or autism. Secondly,
hemp oil is necessary for adults for neurosis and multiple sclerosis.
- Women can regularly take a product for the treatment of hormonal disruptions, to alleviate the
condition during critical days. Hemp oil is effective in menopause, inflammation of the urogenital
system and helps even with stones in the bladder. Compresses and rubbing with oil are effective for
mastopathy. It is also believed that one dessert spoon of this product per day improves lactation.
- Due to the fight against viruses and microbes, squeezing from cannabis is bearing fruit at the time
of exacerbation of various infections of the respiratory system. It treats bronchi, asthma attacks,
tuberculosis and pneumonia.
- The gastrointestinal tract receives support from hemp oil due to its enveloping effect and tannins.
This product can be treated for cholecystitis, gastritis, ulcers, gallstones, colitis and enteritis.
Hemp oil treats chronic constipation, diarrhea, heartburn.
- Men can regularly take cbd hemp oil to restore potency and hemorrhoids treatment. Also, the use of
this product reduces the likelihood of cancer in the genital area and minimizes the risk of prostate
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system subside due to the internal and external use of hemp squeeze,
which is rich in calcium and alpha-linoleic acid, accelerating its absorption. Doctors recommend
including this component in the complex treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, gout.
- The human heart and blood vessels receive great support in the form of hemp oil. This product
improves blood circulation, strengthens the vascular walls, reduces the risk of plaque formation and
cholesterol levels.