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CBD oil benefits

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Hemp oil contains up to 80% of essential fatty acids, which is the highest indicator among plants.This is the most valuable oil according to the Omega 6 balance - Omega 3 fatty acids.

Such a balance is found perhaps in fish or fish oil. And this is the main benefit of hemp oil for residents of Russian latitudes, unbalanced with fresh oily sea fish.

In addition, hemp oil contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, E, minerals: calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus. Note, hemp oil - almost the only vegetable product containing vitamin D, the lack of which causes rickets in children and extremely unpleasant diseases in adults.

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A unique set of nutrients has long contributed to the use of hemp oil in medicine. This is not only a natural antiseptic, but also a natural antioxidant that fights cancer, swelling, and various inflammations. Doctors also note that hemp squeeze raises the overall tone of the body, relieves pain and even works as a diuretic.