Eyelashes - long, thick - the dream of any girl. But like any human organ, they are subject to various diseases. Some of them are the result of rash and careless actions.
What are eyelash diseases? What are the symptoms of the pathological process? Is there an adequate treatment or is there only one way out - plucking the affected hairs?
Eyelash diseases and their symptoms
Eyelash diseases can be divided into 2 groups - parasitic lesions and changes in the physiological features of the structure of the organ.
In the first case, pubic lice cause the disease. Their head relatives on the eyelashes and other areas covered with hair do not live. Infection occurs by contact.
In the second case, the infectious agent is a microscopic mite. This insect lives in the ducts of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands and is considered representative of the conditionally pathogenic microflora.
Most often, this disease is diagnosed in veterinary practice, but it is also found in humans.
All of these pathologies may be accompanied by conjunctivitis, blepharitis, in severe cases, a corneal ulcer or sclera develops.
For a preliminary diagnosis, visual inspection by an ophthalmologist is sufficient. If you suspect:
Therapeutic tactics depend on the diagnosis and is selected individually for each case. In addition to the treatment of the underlying disease, antibiotic concomitant therapy and vitamin drops are shown to improve the condition of the eye analyzer
The principle of therapy is to destroy adults and nits. This will have to remove the habitat of the parasites. The hair is cut off.
Other parts of the body are treated with anti-pediculosis preparations, but it is desirable to remove the hair covering in the armpits and in the pubic zone. Erythromycin ointment is applied to the growth zone of the eyelashes 3 times a day.
In addition - renovation of the premises and clothing, anti-pediculosis preparations for persons who have come in contact with the patient.
Treatment of this disease involves an integrated approach. Showing both system-wide and local drugs, diet, means to improve the body's defenses.
The treatment of this pathology is to remove hairs that grow in the wrong plane with respect to the ciliary row. The techniques consist in mechanical pulling, cryotherapy, electrolysis or surgical removal of the affected area. Additionally, the treatment of associated diseases.
Changes in the color and number of hairs A change in the color of the eyelashes and their complete loss does not cure, but is only observed. They are treating diseases that supposedly caused this pathology.
The excess ciliary row, incorrectly overgrown hairs are removed with the help of surgical intervention. If the disease does not cause inflammation in the eye system, then the patient is under dynamic observation.
From which the lashes fall out? Hair loss in the edge of the eyelid is a normal situation if up to 5 hairs are lost per day. New grow fast. If there is a loss of more eyelashes, this may indicate a number of pathological changes in the body.
Why lashes fall out:
Wearing eyelash extensions for a long time.
Pulling eyelashes - how to treat the disease? Trichotillomania is a pathological condition in which there is an obsessive craving for pulling out hair on the head, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Causes of obsessive state are disorders in higher mental activity.
Without the elimination of the stress factor that causes the desire to pull out your hair, any methods of treating trichotillomania are not effective.
General recommendations for the preservation of the health of eyelashes In order for cilia to grow long and healthy, it is not necessary to visit beauty salons and spend mad funds.
This is enough to prolong the life of the eyelashes, make them thicker, and the eyes are bright and inviting.